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Thursday 30 May 2019


There are many scientific reasons that music effects our brain, emotions, memory, and many more. Playing music is the brains equivalent to the full body workout. As per 2012 study shows that cyclists who listen to music required 7% less  oxygen (O2) to do the same work as those who cycle in silence. As per study in 2008 shows that children who plays instruments for at least 3 years performed better than non-musicians in different tests. Manly in auditory discrimination abilities and fine motor skills, and also researchers tested on vocabulary and non-vocabulary reasoning skills, which involves understanding and analyzing visual information. And in the last few decades, neuro-scientists have done an experiment that how does our brain work when we listen to music, by monitoring them with instrument like fMRI and researchers found that some parts of the human brain lights up, but the interesting thing in this is that when researchers absorbed the brains of musicians there hole brain lights up. 

 Is It True That Music Affects the Brain ?

Music has been an important part of every humans life which is coming from past to present and further also. Music plays an important part in brain development, learning, mood, and even your health. And even if you listen to music which you like, it increases blood flow to the brain more then listening to music you don't like. The study of scientist is said that the music is processed in the right hemisphere of the human brains, along with the art and creative activities. The resent researchers shows that music is distributed through out the human brain. Through studies of scientist with the brain damage patients who have lost there memory they couldn't read the newspaper but they could still play the music and can read the music notes. When we listen to music nearly each and every part of human brain effects. One of the most common affect is that music can alter our mood and feelings by stimulating the formation of certain chemicals present in the brain. Film directors use music backgrounds so that the audience can feel the scenes and watch the movie with more interest. There  some scenes like fight scenes in a film, the background music truly makes the audience to enjoy the scenes and make the scene apt and the background music truly plays an important role for film. Even our brain will response differently to happy and to sad songs, here a study shows that after listening to a  sad song  brain likely to interpret a neutral expression as sad, and if we listen to the happy music the neutral expression will be happy. Here when we listen to music you like your brain releases a neurotransmitter called DOPAMINE. Dopamine is a chemical which will cause a feelings of satisfaction. So if you listen to your favorite music you will feel happy and one interesting fact is that when someone is feeling sad and if they listen to sad music they feel better then before. Now you could be thinking that why can't sad person listen to a happy music ? Because when you listen to happy music or songs you will feel regret by thinking more about your past, so when your happy listen to happy music and when your sad you better listen to sad music. An other interesting fact is that while doing any work if you listen to any work you will preform better. Also when researchers scans the human brain they found that musicians have different brains that non-musicians, people who play instruments have bigger, better connected, sensitive brains.     

Tuesday 16 April 2019


Fashion is something where to create a New Style of  Clothing , Footwear , Hairstyle , etc. Being Fashionable is very important to a person in society because it allows people to express their personality . Throughout the ages fashion has been an important part of society and also it reflects the culture of the country. Here, there are 10 different ways to look fashionable.

1. Draped Shoulder

2. Knot

3. Denim

4. Bag across

5. Jeans and Boots

6. Right Necklace

7. Hair

8. Footwear

9. Scarf

10. Ripped Jeans

1. Draped Shoulder:

This is an interesting style which can sketch true sense of style and confidence. An ankle length jeans, formal pant, plazo upon it you can prefer for crop-top, t-shirt and shirt and drape your outerwear such as jackets, blazer and capes over the shoulder leaving your sleeves free.

2. Knot:

Another way to define your passion towards fashion is to knot your shirt at the end. It’s a creative and playful fashion to beautify and to add a twist to the look. knot a shirt over a dress or wear it as a crop-top,shirt and also you can prefer for capes upon it.

3. Denim:

There are various types of denim and chambray pieces should be in your wardrobe like denim jumpsuit, denim corset top, denim shirt dress ordenim shirt. Also, look out for pieces like panelled chambray shirt or floor length denim capes which can add dignified look to a person and also its an very good way of fashion sense.

4. Bag Across

It’s all about what do you carry and how do you carry. There are a number of bags that are trendy at this season. Wearing a bag like slim bags, hand bags across your body upon jeans, jumpsuit, crop-tops, shorts, shirts. Which can give you a stylish look.

5. Jeans And Boots:

Wondering how to be fashionable or how to be stylish with jeans and boots? Simple! Just wear your jeans and tuck you jeans inside your boots and you can prefer a crop top , t-shirt , shirt and wear a long length shrug or something like a jacket upon it . It’s a cool and easy way to look fashionable .

6. Right Necklace:

This is one of the best fashion tip for girls. Young girls and women can choose a number of necklace in these days. So the key here is to ensure that you choose the right kind of necklace to go with your top or dress something like black –metal which is trendy in these days.

7. Hair:

In these days we have a number of hair styles , like dyeing hair colors , short hair curly hair, etc. There are hair styles for traditional occasions and even for modern occasions. The hair styles should match your clothing, face cut and your also body language. The cuteness of you will appear through your hair style and when you dress your hair style you should look younger then your age so, that it brings out your cuteness.

8. Footwear:

We will chose a different footwear for each clothing that we prefer to, like sneaker, boots, sandals, shoes , etc. But we often buy footwear which is guided by its appearance only and we think that it is important that how attractive and fashionable the footwear is, which is wrong the tight shoes can cause blood circulation disorders, ingrown nails or bending fingers. However, we should choose our footwear with cautiousness, as our health depends on what footwear we wear.

9. Scarf:

Scarf are not meant to be just draped around your neck or shoulders. There are a number of ways in which you can tie a scarf. This is a style where in most of the occasions you find it in this days on jeans, tops and leggings, etc. The below fashion style guide is the perfect style guide for women to learn how to tie the scarf in different ways.

10. Ripped Jeans:

We are totally in love with the ripped jeans! Every girls has at least one pair of ripped jeans that she loves to wear at many occasion. But, have you ever wondered how to dress fashionably or how to dress stylish with those ripped jeans? Well, all you need to do is to just wear a ripped jeans and wear crop top upon it and you can also prefer to a long length or knee length shrug and also u can wear a crop shirt upon ripped jeans.


There are many scientific reasons that music effects our brain, emotions, memory, and many more. Playing music is the brains equivalen...